

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Nablopomo post no. 9 - Planner Pages!


What I am holding in my hand is the heart of how I organize things in my life. When I forget to do this, everything turns into disarray and I have the one-two punch of more anxiety and more depression. October was a hard month, as was September, because I was sick and I kept forgetting to keep up with my planner. Let me tell you, before I started using this, I was a mess. I was overwhelmed by everything and panicky a lot. Prior to the templates that you see here, I was drawing out boxes in a notebook and getting pretty intense hand cramps by the time I was done setting up one month of pages. Then Beloved said, "Let's make a template, that'll make the planner easier to use." Trust an engineer to find the solution that streamlines an arduous process. They're good at that stuff.

At the top of the forward facing page is space for me to note the date in a liturgical calendar I follow (part of the whole Filianism thing I have going on), space for me to note the date in the Julian calendar that everybody else uses, and a space to note the day of the week. The column on the right side of the page starts with a reminder/record of how much water I need to drink on a given day. Below it is a reminder/record as to if I had taken all of my daily pills. 

There isn't a checkbox for each pill because I take 12+ medications and it changes on occasion. Following the monitor of medicine compliance, I rate my mood for the day and then I rate my anxiety level for the day on a scale of 1 - 10. A one is horrid and a ten is horrid in it's own way. My goal is to be around a five on the mood scale. On the anxiety scale, I try to be around a five also, because one is apathy and ten is I'm so anxious I am vibrating through space and time as well as seeing sound.

After this comes what is probably the most important thing to track in here, my fasting blood glucose reading. I'm kinda lucky that I just have to check this in the morning. The problem here is forgetfulness will have me go a week either forgetting entirely to take the readings or forgetting to write them down, because my brain just doesn't work quite like it did before and I have memory problems.

The check boxes and lines on the left side of the page are for tasks, errands, appointments, etc. I use it in a fashion that is really similar to Ryder Carrol's Bullet Journal method. I reserve the last line for writing down what we're going to eat for dinner that day. The lined back of the page is for recording notes and a bit of micro-journaling.

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