

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Nablopomo post no. 14: My thoughts on Trulicity at this time.

 Sure, I messed up my first dose. I am not familiar with injecting myself with anything. I watch very carefully when the professionals do it. I do my very best to follow their directions on this self-service angle. I'm trying to keep my dear Beloved out of this process because he has a mild phobia of needles. (Hence why we're both hoping that neither of us are going to need insulin at some point living with type 2 diabetes.)

Even with a partial dose in me, the Trulicity has done wonders. I'm not starving all the time. As a result, my anxiety levels have dropped significantly. I just about cried when I finished a meal and I didn't feel the need to eat a second one. I am so full of gratitude. 

Growing up in a household where you were starved and beaten for 'sneak eating', you eventually fall into an unhealthy cycle of gorging when you're allowed to eat and starving when you're not. This has permanently messed up my relationship with food. It's part of the reason why I'm going back into therapy. The Trulicity has helped a great deal but it's a band aid over a gaping wound.

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