

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Nablopomo post no. 5? Election day! My birthday! My migraine!

 So, it's election day and I would have gone to vote but this insane weather we're having triggered another (somewhat less severe) migraine. If this is how autumn is going to go, it's going to be awful. My birthday just feels like another Tuesday because of the migraine and all the work I have to get done. It's ok, though, because Beloved and I did something special on Sunday. With how well that went, I'm starting to think that maybe we can do a date night once a month.

The kids just were fantastic about following the rules. They were particularly happy that they got to have extra tablet time while we were out. And, of course, they enjoyed the pizza from their favorite place. Now we have another challenge with the kids and today kinda encapsulates it.

We have been trying to get them to do work around the house (helping out with dishes, folding towels, picking up the floor of the living room so that someone can vacuum it etc.). They just won't do it. This is not a new development. I've been fighting with them on this since they were toddlers. At first they did help out and the novelty wore of in about a month. Since, they just don't help. I've tried making it part of the schedule. I've tried doing group chores on a given day of the weekend. I've tried bribing them with money and food. Nothing works. 

Beloved is going to sit down and have a conversation about how they have to contribute. I've tried having that conversation and it goes in one ear and out the other. Maybe he can reach them. I am really hoping he can. At 14 and 16, they really should be doing some of the chores around here. It's exceedingly vexing. I have a migraine and the kids expect me to carry all the load so they can spend their time playing. It just can't work that way.

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