

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Nablopomo post no. 16 - Slow progress is still progress.

This confounded sweater for Cuddle Bear is taking forever. I honestly don't know if I'm going to have it done in time for Yule. I just finished the table mat for the tea cozy set pattern test. I need to buy more yarn because I don't have the right color to make the two that I want to in addition to this pattern test. 

Now, you may wonder why I am doing a pattern test. Because the last time I took a pattern for granted, the gauge was all wrong and I had to rip the whole thing out. It was a headache. I'm fairly sure that I need to get more buttons as well to finish the tea cozy itself. Heck, I think I need buttons to do the button joins for Snuggle Bug's stuffie.

I have buttons but they're all the wrong shapes. All I need are simple, round buttons and I have none. You want stars, flowers, or hearts, I've got it. But no basic buttons are in my button jar because I have used them up repairing things. Large heart buttons could be fashionable on a pair of pants, but they'd be useless because they wouldn't fit through the button hole. Ugh.

I am at the point where I am questioning if I'm going to get any of this done. I always do, but I have my fits of uncertainty and stress.

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