

Thursday, November 30, 2023

NaBloPoMo post no. 30: *Another* Migraine, argh!

 The temperature jump of 30 degrees is what set this one off. I've taken my Excedrin because medical studies are inconclusive if you can take Imitrex more than 3 time in a 30 day period. Over the course of this month, I've had four migraines because of the stupid weather. I can handle a temperature jump of 10 degrees F in either direction. If it is 20 deg F or higher, I get a migraine. Especially if there's rain coming with it or some other form of precipitation.

On top of the migraine, if we've got weather coming all my joints hurt and where I got the epidurals to have the c-sections when the boys were born, well it feels like I got hit there with a bat. It's just not a good time. I try to grit my teeth and push through but there's only so much misery I can deal with before I say I give up and hide in a dark room in a blanket fort/pile.

Stupid migraine.

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