

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Nablopomo post no. 23 - Ah gods, it's Turkey Day.

 It is 0436 and I have been up since 0230. My stomach is all knotted up and I feel nauseated. I know that I'm going to be exhausted later today because I've only gotten 4 and a half hours of sleep. I am not looking forward to today. I just want to avoid the world and sleep. But I can't sleep because of how my stomach is roiling. I've tried drinking water. I've tried a cup of tea. I've tried Gas-X and antiacids. Nothing is working.

I don't know if this is a side effect of the Trulicity showing up at an inconvenient time. I don't know if this is my anxiety. I just know I feel rotten at the moment. 

Everyone in the apartment is asleep but I. I spent about a half hour doing crochet by relatively dim light. Because I couldn't accurately count rows, I set it aside and said to myself "I have blog posts to catch up on. I can do that because my keyboard is quiet and the angle of the room with where I positioned my desk lamp means I won't wake up the kids.

I had a migraine that lasted for two days. This is part of the reason why I didn't post. It's hard to brain up words when you feel like someone is trying to pry your skull apart and light is stabbing you in the face. Yesterday, I was post migraine but still feeling horrid. That was because I had a terrible night's sleep the night before because of the migraine.

Looking at the weather and the dramatic temperature drop expected, I'm probably going to have another migraine. I don't know if this sick feeling is aura symptoms, because that happens if I'm going to have a really bad one. All I know is that I can't take the Imitrex because I've already taken it twice this month. So, Excedrin is going to be my go to today.

I'm not looking forward to talking politics. I'm not looking forward to snide comments about the food that my FiL doesn't think looks tasty or his bitchiness about the idea of people having food sensitivities or allergies. I'm really hoping I don't have to sit next to him again. It was really hard to resist the urge to stab him with a fork as he was going on about how there were too many vegetable dishes.

I kinda hate that man between his politics, his opinions on child rearing, and his sense of entitlement to dictate how other people should be. His wife is sweet as pie and I adore her. We have a lot in common. We could natter on for hours about shared hobbies and projects we're working on. I don't talk to him unless I absolutely have to. I fear it will be necessary to talk to him today. This is going to suck.

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