

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Yeah, that was impressive, wasn't it?

I'm sure that if you look up the LHC, you'll find alot of people insisting that we all must repent because the end times are upon us, for we're about to create a black hole and our doom. There's been alot of people who are far smarter then I am who are concerned that when the flip the switch, the LHC will create a strangelet. I'm not terribly worried about it.

In my opinion, the likelihood of this is on par with the likelihood that we're going to be pulled into a wandering black hole. I'm also of the mind that we should be more concerned with nuclear winter due to a series of severely fucked up accidents on aging nuclear powerplants and poorly secured military devices. My husband hates it when I say that I think we're more likely to see our planet get hit by an asteroid or something else. He insists that I'm damning us all to a grisly doom by adding to the list other relatively low probability modes of death.

On the other hand...

Immenent doom does make for a good excuse for one hell of a party. Perhaps I should start working on getting supplies together to make fantastic umbrella drinks and such. After all, if you're going to blink out of existence, you should have at least one bit of orgastic joy prior to it, right?

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