

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What an odd day..

I'm not sure if the weirdness is exaggerated or illustrated by what I just listened to on the radio. I've found my mood swinging back and forth between a state of high anxiety and irritation to feeling apathetic/depressed. It's been rather upsetting. I didn't really get anything I planned on doing today done at all. I fell asleep on the couch for about 3 hours, possibly 4, this afternoon. I don't know why I was so exhausted, but I was. In the midst of all this, I found myself dreaming of various strange things. Such as lotus blossoms coming up out of a sink full of filthy dishes and mold, the baby laughing and having teeth sprouting out with each laugh, and a friend of mine serenading me even as my husband played accompaniment on a battered old electric guitar, that looked like a very beat up version of B.B. King's Lucille.

On the radio, I just listened to Meredith Monk's song Last Words and found myself torn between irritation and amusement. I can say this, while some may say that it is fine music, I think it's a form of auditory torture. I, however, also feel the same way about rap music and love bagpipe music, which most people seem to think sounds like the pitiful screams of cats in a blender or being beaten in a sack.

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