

Monday, June 28, 2021

Never enough time.

 I have a ton of writing I am trying to get done. I have a kitchen to clean. I have laundry to fold. And then there's the fact that the kids are on break right now and need some supervision. Did I mention that I also am attempting to do some gardening on the sly as well?

I sit down in the morning with my cup of coffee and tell myself that I can get through my to-do list. I don't and I feel like a failure because I didn't hit everything on my list. It's awful. I feel like I used to be able to do that just a little while back. I wasn't posting here daily because I was posting daily on three other blogs. I also wrote a bunch of books (some of which are actually selling right now). But, now? 

I just can't seem to focus to get everything done. I am blocked on blogging and on my book work. I do my daily journaling and it seems to just take longer every day. I fall behind on housework more often than I am caught up on it. I am just really frustrated with it all.

I don't know where the problem is in my process. I have a schedule that I do my best to stick to. It doesn't work great because there are interruptions. I basically have to hit the ground running in the morning and that's gotten harder. I'm sleeping ok. My morning routine hasn't changed that much. I just find it harder to get moving in the morning.

Because I am not fully awake by 0630, I'm not working on things by 0700. This means that I am playing catch up for the rest of the day. And that's not taking into account my attempting to get back to doing stuff on Keen. I basically have to be idle/available from 1300 to 1630. I've tried working on other stuff while I am on call. It goes really poorly because the calls come in at random and break my focus. I would be on Keen today but some stuff came up and I couldn't do it. 

I am running all day long from errand to errand. When my day gets interrupted, I struggle to maintain momentum to get things done. And then there are the days where I am just out of spoons from when I wake up and practically nothing gets done. So, work piles up. It's awful. I'm so tired. I want a day off, but I don't get one because there's so many things that need done. Beloved's in the same position. 

We need a vacation or a weekend off but I don't see that happening anytime in the near future. There's just too much that we are juggling. Sometimes, being an adult sucks.

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