

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Not enough coffee in the world

The past few weeks have been less than stellar. We've been passing this norovirus back and forth. I don't think the in-laws caught it when we visited. But for the last few weeks somebody in this household has had some stomach complaints. It's lead to the kids taking turns having a bucket as a bedside companion. I am glad that I'm on medication to control the random vomiting symptoms that come with one of my other medications, because I didn't need that bucket when I had it.

Along with the stomach issues, I haven't been sleeping well. I've been having nightmares. This is not a new development because I have chronic trauma related nightmares. I'm not sure exactly why I am having nightmares about losing the children. It has been exceedingly unpleasant. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning on the verge of a panic attack because of my nightmares. It sucked.

Because of life being a pain in the ass, I have had to push back the release of book four of the fantasy series I've written. There's some stuff that I just haven't had time or the spoons to do that absolutely needs to happen before it is ready to be released.

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