

Friday, May 10, 2019

I'm half way to zombie. Brainz?

This has been one hell of a week. It started out with food poisoning. It was a mild enough case that I was able to power through and get Cuddle Bear to his orthodontist appointment where he got his braces off. The boy has been sixteen different kinds of excited because now he can eat his favorite candy again.

The weather's been flipping back and forth between wet and miserable and tolerable. As such my mood has been flipping back and forth between depressed and ok. I did not realize that rainy days were a depression trigger. A theory that Beloved and I have is that there is some kind of trauma memory attached to this kind of weather. Gods only knows what that is, but I'm sure it will reveal itself eventually. They always do.

Had a migraine start the day before yesterday and go until almost halfway through yesterday. That sucked royally. Fortunately, the migraine didn't start until after Snuggle Bug's doctor's appointment. The boy's got some miserable allergies and our family doctor was awesome enough to put him on something that actually helps. First dose and the kid wasn't having sinus problems or itchy eyes all day.

I have a new book out. I have no idea how to make it sell, but I'm going to try. I would prefer to just sit here and crank out books but I don't have a marketing team to sell them for me. I feel like I have zero clue what I am doing here. It's a bit demoralizing to look and see that I've made no sales.

I'm going to try to follow the example set out by some other indie authors and just plug my book as often as I can until I get some reviews and then plug the book with the reviews. I'm not sure how to go about getting reviews, but I'll figure it out somehow.

In other news, I am working on the Kindle version of this book which is going to require entirely different format stuff and new exercises. This thing was originally designed as a workbook. But I recognize that there are people who are going to want this information and not be able to get their hands on the workbook.

I wish that Lulu and KDP played nicely together. Then I could have put this thing together on Lulu and not have Amazon throw a fit over it. They still haven't ironed out what ever technical issue is there which is why I have been doing more on KDP because that goes out to a larger audience than Lulu right now. It is frustrating.

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