

Monday, February 01, 2021


 My new headset came in the mail yesterday. So, I am going to be exercising it doing readings this week via the phone and on chat through Keen. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. My kids have declared it to be the coolest thing they've seen this week. The week is early yet, there may be something else interesting that pops up.

Going back to doing readings on Keen was a tough decision. But, I was strongly encouraged to do so because I apparently was getting squirrely with the lack of regular adult communication. So, Loki and Freyr pushed me pretty hard on that front. They were also concerned by the fact that I was giving up a hobby that I love because of politics (basically). So, at their urging, I went back to Keen. I boosted my rates and informed my previous clients why. It was a pleasant surprise when they came back for readings despite the price increase.

I'm not doing readings today because my schedule has been thrown into complete disarray by the fact that I had errands to run and a child to take to the dentist. Snuggle Bug lost a tooth last week and the new one is coming in well. He was a big wiggly and giggly for his appointment today but apparently the electric toothbrush tickles, so it kinda makes sense. I never thought of it as a ticklish sensation, but he was emphatic that it was. To the point of he was trying not to start laughing, so he decided to make duck noises not to laugh. This made the hygienist laugh and confused almost everyone. Of course, Snuggle Bug did it even more because he had an audience that was laughing. I swear that kid is going to grow up to be a comedian.

I picked up a new journal with a llama on the cover. I needed a new journal like I needed another hole in my head but it was my excuse to solve a mystery. I know now what the deal with the gift card that's been living at the bottom of my purse is. (I had forgotten if I had even used it or not.) And in the course of my travels today, I realized that the craft store is no longer my supplier of cheap ink cartridges for my favorite pens. I'll have to be going to the office supply store now for that. I think that those pens are going to be off the market soon with my luck.

I am planning on buying a new pair of tarot decks. I also have supplies to make my own oracle deck. This is something that I have been considering for years. I think that I'm finally going to do it. I don't know how fancy I want to make it or not. But I like the idea of making my own oracle deck and using it for readings. Putting that together with a tarot deck may get interesting results. I'll post pictures of the cards as I get them done and of the other artwork that I've been working on (or will resume working on).

I want this blog to be more active. I want to write more and communicate with people that are dear to me but far away. This blog lets me do that in a more freeform method than the other blogs I have. And I don't have to worry about some censor taking offense to what I've posted and booting me off the platform.

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