

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Fiber Fluff: Nothing's happening.

 I'm still working on the monstrosity. I'm up to the halfway point of finishing the final triangle. I don't know how I am going to keep this thing from curling up. It's so big that the weight of it might work when I try to block it out (by hanging on a laundry line) but I honestly don't know. I am a bit vexed with the fact that this project is taking forever. At the same time, I am half finished with the final section so I am going to work on it and complete it before I pick up that sweater I started for myself or start making things for other people.

Next weekend, when we see the in-laws again, I am going to bring the red fiber to run it through my mother-in-law's drum carder. I just don't have the spoons to sit down and card it by hand. And I am still trying to decide how I want to approach spinning up the alpaca fiber. I wish the weather would warm up because I could go out walking with my distaff and spindle. I don't have enough room in the apartment to do that and my attempted distaff stand isn't working with my kick wheel.  

Thanks to the monstrosity, however, I have nowhere I can put the kick wheel and get spinning right now anyways. This project is going to eat my living room, I'm sure of it.

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