

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday Menu Week of 1/27/2020

Dear Friends,

I am scatter shot disorganized right now. I blame this rotten head cold that refuses to go away. Because of the stupid diabetes and my psych medications, I can't take anything for it. So, I go about my day feeling like my sinuses are packed with wool or with them running constantly. There is no in between. It's getting so annoying. My planner is a bit of a mess. I still have to catch up my notes for the last few days, and I have to set up my pages for next month. To say the least, I have a lot of writing of the un-fun kind to do right now. I am trying to get myself back into the swing of serious writing again. It's been a grueling effort.

I finished that Filianic manuscript that I had started back in October. Now I am editing it. I'm most of the way through the first round of edits. It is mildly disconcerting to see how many spelling errors I have in this draft. Apparently when I write by hand, I am more prone to mashing together words and misspelling them by flipping around letter order in the middle of the word. That finalizes my decision that the next manuscript I write is going to be typed from this point forward. I need to be able to read what I wrote in order to edit the damn thing, after all.

I'm working on getting the kids back into the swing of doing daily chores. Somehow we fell off of that wagon and it shows. I may not be FLYLady's biggest fan but she had some really good points. (I kinda walked away from that program when she got more preachy about her religious choices and less focused on home management. I hope she's happy with where she is and that seems to be the case, but I didn't go there to have some one tell me that I needed to have my soul saved by their god.) So, I have a chart up in the kitchen with daily chores for the kids and their assigned chore for each day of the week. Perhaps it will be more than just wall art this time around. Everybody is going to have a 15 minute cleaning session. The kids will be working in their room this afternoon when they get their homework done. Then it will be time for television or electronic toys. As the kids are working in their room, I'll be attempting to sort out the kitchen. Wish me luck because there are legos hidden everywhere.

Here's the menu for this week.

Sunday: Pizza
Monday: Burgers & salad
Tuesday: Tacos / Taco salad
Wednesday: Meatball subs & salad
Thursday: Breakfast for dinner
Friday: Italian sausage patty sandwiches & salad
Saturday: Chili

The kids have breakfast and lunch at school Monday through Friday. Beloved's lunches have been either leftovers or sandwiches with ramen noodle soup. My lunches have been leftovers. I plan, however, to do some cooking during the day while the kids are at school to get some breakfast things prepped for the remainder of the week and to make a meatloaf for whatever day I happen to run out of spoons for cooking things. I'd be working on that right now, but I kinda have a pile of other tasks that are more immediate need.

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