

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Fiber Fluff: Yuletide projects.

I have taken my annual break from spinning to celebrate Yule. I lasted about an hour before I was twitchy and had to have some kind of project to work on. I decided that during daylight hours, I was going to work on embroidery and in the evenings work on crochet.

So far, I have finished a tulip pillowcase that my late Grandmother had started years ago before her dementia got bad enough that she couldn't do embroidery or cross stitch.

I am now working on a table runner with roses on it. The pic isn't the best, but this thing isn't finished either. It's half done.

The crochet project is a purple ombre granny square. I have no idea how big this thing will be when I get it done. I'd post a picture of it but it's kinda difficult to spread it out with out making a tangled mess of the yarn that I'm still working from. When I get it finished, I'll post it.

Just before Yule, I made my annual scrap yarn project. It is a shawlette that's just big enough to sit on my shoulders and keep me warmish as I sit by the window and work on these projects.

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