

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

SAD sucks.

Light therapy is helping some, but SAD is still an issue right now. According to Beloved, I am doing much better than I was around Thanksgiving and light years better than I was this time last year. All I know is that I'm tired and frustrated with the fact that it is hard for me to summon up the energy to get the things I want to do done. I also suspect that I might be beginning to come down with a cold, but I'm not entirely sure. The sinus issues could be because everybody in the building except for us has a dog and I am now allergic to dogs. 

Yesterday was a rough day. It was overcast and raining all day. For some reason I have yet to fully divine, heavily cloudy skies and rain makes my mood even worse than normal. I have been doing a bit better on the anxiety front with the medications and avoiding things that trigger it. [...]

So, my youngest child broke a portable fan he had. He's now crying and furious because I threw it away. I told him it was ruined and we had to throw it away. He is fussing and insisting that he's a bad kid. He's basically saying everything he can think of to try to get me to fish the thing back out of the garbage. I'm not doing it, but he's now miserable and is irritating the hell out of me with this whining.

I tell myself that he's going to grow out of this. 

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