

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Speaking of the boy...

It is so hard to believe that my little boy is now three months old. He's already grown out of most of the clothes that I made for him while I was pregnant and the outfit that he wore for his first picture. I'm not getting all teary-eyed, but I am wondering where the time went.

Today, he finally tried solid food for the first time. He's of a mixed opinion. The boy can't decide if he hates the texture of solid food or enjoys the taste. It was cute to watch him alternate between the rice and his bottle. He decided very quickly that after he had a little bite of his cereal he wanted to wash it down with formula.

He's doing alot better about spending time on his belly. He's actually playing a little bit when I put him down on his belly, rather then scream for ten minutes and fall asleep every time. He still isn't very happy about bath time. I figure he'll decide at some point that it's not ritual torture and actually enjoy the experience. Until then, I just have to listen to him scream while I wash him.

I do have to say, I did have a little success the other day. He played in the tub for about 5 minutes. Splashed me some, kicked his feet, cooed, and then started screaming. Maybe we need to try some play time in the tub, get out his rubber ducky and the fishies for him to just sit in there and play in the water, perhaps. I'm not sure. Maybe I'll try giving him a bubble bath, because he does love bubbles.

I've been getting one heck of a work out for my lungs. Between singing to him and blowing bubbles, I don't think my lungs have seen this much work since I was in high school choir. He hasn't figured out how to roll over yet, but he's trying. The sitting part isn't quite figured out yet either. It's more like he's propped up and keeping his head steady. But he's making progress, and that's a good thing. The boy just loves playing peek-a-boo. I made him giggle for the first time just last week by playing peek-a-boo with him.

And of course the little monster has now refused to laugh since then. Instead, he just smiles, sticks out his tounge, and blows raspberries at me. I'll make him laugh again some how. I want his father to hear him laugh and I want that little boy to laugh alot. All of that said, I guess we're all doing well. Even if he's throwing a temper-tantrum because he doesn't want to be in bed right now. Here's another picture of him, just because he's *so* cute.

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