

Sunday, March 24, 2019

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I'm not sure what to write at the moment. I've been clawing my way up out of a depressive episode. It's been unpleasant and stressful. Somewhere in the midst of this, I finished editing and released two Filianic texts. I am now working on my Camp NaNoWriMo manuscript which has gone completely off the rails. I was going to write some fiction and it turned into basically therapy writing on a larger scale. I'm still tracking word count, time, and how many pencils I've used. I'm averaging around 18 words a minute. I think that's not bad considering that I'm writing by hand. My writing time comes out to approximately two hours a day.

I don't know what I'm going to do with this thing. It's painful to write. It's been just pouring out of me so I know that I need to write it, at the same time it is miserable going. Very little of what I have been writing has been happy. I'm mostly recounting old trauma. It is exhausting and not doing much to help my mood.

I'm going to go work on my writing for today. I'm going to try to get back to blogging 3x per week on here. I'm also going to attempt to get back to daily blogging on my other blogs. It is my hope that work will cure me as much as time and sunlight.

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