

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Feeling down.

I've caught my son's head cold. It's made me feel pretty awful of late. My sinuses are just gunky and gross which is making me cough a lot. Oddly enough, the allergy spray that I take every morning helped clear some of it out this morning so I could sort of breathe through my nose earlier. I'm half tempted to use it again, but I know that is not a solution. So, I'm probably going to be stopping at the store tomorrow and picking up some saline nasal spray to get me through this cold. It wouldn't be so awful if it weren't for the fact that due to the diabetes I can't use any of the over the counter medications for this. I get to use Tylenol or Aleve, that's pretty much it. And sugar free cough drops.

My mood hasn't been the best. Seasonal affective disorder is really getting to me right now. Which is perversely ironic as we're beginning to get more sunlight. I have been attempting to keep working on my manuscripts and staying on top of housework despite feeling moderately depressed. It's exhausting. I'm trying not to let the accompanying anxiety run the show but when I try to sleep it's been a lot of nightmare about random stuff.

My work on serious spring cleaning seems to be going awry. This is because I have a couple of young men who haven't figured out how to pick things up. And the perpetual battle with dishes and laundry is hard to win on a day when you've got a cold making you miserable. I do, however, have several boxes of things to go off to Goodwill and be donated. Maybe I can get that done this weekend.

TL:DR - I'm feeling like I could sleep for a week or just lie in bed and stare at the ceiling for a week. And I'm congested. This kinda sucks and was not what I had planned.

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