

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A little politics with my morning coffee.

This is reposted from a forum that I'm a part of.

Well, I found this entertaining and interesting. It appears that the Senator is educated to some extent about his own faith. It also appears that the evangelist minister whom is getting referred to in this article by CNN isn't that well educated.

I think this is going to be an interesting little sidebar to the rest of the matters being highlighted this election. I also suspect that the evangelical christian voting bloc may find themselves forced to either support McCain or be unrepresented this presidential election.

I must say that the comparison between Al Sharpton and James Dobson to be quite entertaining. I also think it is quite telling of Senator Obama to make that comparison. Sharpton and Dobson are at seemingly opposite ideological ends of the evangelical christian movement, or at least in the more aggressive (possibly militant) part of the movement. And yet, putting them side by side in his speech points out that they're two different versions of the same political animal.

I figure any day now, I'll start getting spammed with how Obama is a 'false' christian and a servant of the DEBIL because he isn't slavishly obeying the calls to heel by the loudest voices of the more militant element of the evangelical christian movement. I look at this and I am inclined to say that Senator Obama is a moderate christian who focuses on the New Testament teachings, specifically the Sermon on the Mount.

Ever notice that those christians who focus upon expressing their faith in a reserved manner and are in some political power are decried by those who are more militant in their expression as either not doing enough or being false in their beliefs? It's enough to make you wonder if they're practicing two entirely different faiths that are united only by certain elements of mythos and ritual.

Looking at this on the whole, I think that McCain is going to 'sell out' and court the evangelical christian voting bloc. I suspect that it may be the only way that he could possibly manage to oppose Obama's popularity. After all, the machine of the evangelical christian voting bloc is a huge part of what is pushing the pro-America propaganda and highly nationalist/burgeoning facist pedagogy over the last several years. I also think that as that little machine begins to chug out a spew of racist garbage and bullshit accusations with respect to Obama, it will become suddenly alot easier to spot how pervasive that influence is in the population.

Who knows, this may even serve as a way to find the weak points in the propaganda machine. Wouldn't that be nice?

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