

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Christian Privilege is Persecution?

 There's a thing trending on Twitter right now "Christianity Will Have Power." I wrote a thirteen segement Twitter rant about it that Twitter nuked from orbit. Well, Twitter has no power here. I'm angry. I am angry as a mother of two children who are getting stealth indoctrinated into Christianity when we're not a Christian family. I'm angry as a woman who has been persecuted for her religion for two thirds of her life, upto and including physical violence against me for my beliefs. I am angry as a citizen of the United States of America where there is separation between church and state.

The last time Christianity didn't have power in the US of A was during the pre-colonial period. Since then, they've been pushing their religious agenda and persecuting people of other faiths across the continent. Some people will point at my statement as being anti-American. Hate to put it to you this way, bucko, but it's the truth. And if the truth makes me anti-American, so be it.

The last time Christianity was persecuted in earnest was during the Roman Empire. That happened right up until it became fashionable inorder to prevent slave rebellions and was made the state religion in an effort to keep the wealthy Christians in line so that the Empire didn't collapse as quickly. Christianity has a bloody history going back to the beginning of its insitution as a state religion. The Council of Nicea actively encouraged the execution and erasure of "heretical" variants of Christianity. The operations that were engaged in were so complete that historians only find fragments of the more populated groups in texts referencing the 'problems' they created. Modern Christians have no idea about the purge of non-approved Christian sects performed by the Council of Nicea.

Your bible is a political document intended to enforce the power of the early Christian church that eventually became the Catholic church. It is cherry picked from the writings of the different variant groups of Christianity that arose during the house church era (when the actual persecution was going on). Ever iteration after is a political document intended to perpetuate the views and positions of the authors of that version. There is no one true Bible. Hate to break that to you, but history says so.

As a political document that was intended to enforce an agenda of the superiority of the Church insitution (which the Roman Emperor was heavily influencing at the time it was developed, thus being supported by proxy through this document), it laid the ground work for the construction of the Catholic church. Now, some may say "what about the Eastern Orthodox and Russian Orthodox Christians?" Well, that split came with the split of the Roman Empire into two (Eastern Orthodox Christianity being centered in Byzantium and Catholic Christianity being centered in Rome). The migration of Eastern Orthodox Christianity into the region that eventually became Russia gave rise to the Russian Orthodox version of Christianity. They operate off of a political document similar to the Catholic Church's verion of the Bible, intended to support the power structure of the new overculture of Christianity.

I could continue my crash course in the history of Christianity but I digress from my point. The Evangelical Christian movement (aka the Moral Majority) have been working since at least the 1970s to turn the United States of America into a theocracic oligchary with only nominal nods to the democratic republic that it began as. Because of the blind eye turned to this movement due to the fact that so many people in the United States are nominally Christian, they missed the growth of more radical elements. This would be the Dominionist Christians. They are the equivalent to the sub-sect of Islam that seeks to see the day of judgment promised in their holy book and would wage war with the entire world until all are brought to kneel to their god. Guess what the Dominionists are seeking, the exact same thing. They're starting here in the USA because they're our homegrown branch of extremists.

Who is it that is pushing that all who claim to be Christian pledge their support *cough*fealty*cough* to the sitting president? All those Dominionist Christians. Who is encouraging them to do this? Why his orangeness himself. What is the end result of this push if they are successful? The elimination of the division of church and state. The establishment of a state religion. It won't be generic Christianity as we see it in the overculture. It will be Dominionist Christianity.

These are the people who have told me that I am equivalent to a child molester because I am a witch. These are the people who have spat on me and called me satan's whore when I was a mere 13 years old and just figuring out what the hell the word religion meant because I was raised by atheists. It is this community that practices bleach enemas on their children who have mental imparements because they were told it would 'cure' them by their pastors. They slavishly obey their pastors. They engage in child marriages to older men. Girls young as 12 are being married off to men twice their age. They engage in rehoming unruly children. They bomb women's health centers and declare that a woman has no bodily autonomy. For these people, the Republic of Gilead is an ideal, not a warning.

They wear the cloak of Christianity and claim to be persecuted for the sake of advancing their power. They wear the claim as a badge of honor. But none of them have truly been persecuted. When was the last time you heard of a megachurch getting burned down? When was the last time you learned of legislation against them practicing core elements of their faith? The claim that the COVID19 restrictions on gathering is religious oppression is bullshit. 

And yet, so many "Christians" claim they are persecuted where I cannot practice my holy rites in fear of being fined or possibly imprisoned. They claim that they're not allowed to preach their faith, but can harass me with impunity when I walk down the street. 

To Hel with Christianity if that is the Christianity that you are trying to force down my throat. I know people who practice what Jesus of Nazereth taught. That is not it. May Loki show all of you what he finds funny. May Skadi bring you the rewards for all the ill you of sown.

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