

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Fiber fluff ramblings

 I've been lax in my spinning. The recent stretch of hot and humid weather really didn't encourage me to try to spin because I knew the fiber was going to stick to my hands. I gave up on the remaining half pound of the purple-blue-pink colorway because it was so felted that there were mats. I've put it aside to use as stuffing in toys or something. Now, I am working on about 8 oz of grey Alpaca. 

It's been a bit awkward going for two reasons. First is the fact that I am trying to spin at a weight heavier than what I usually do. I keep falling back into my habit of super fine, at which point the stuff drifts apart. I'm using my kick wheel and spinning it in the opposite direction than what I usually do. As a result, the yarn has less twist. This is not a bad thing if you're trying to get a fluffy yarn. It is, however, awkward because my bodily memory wants me to set it spinning counter clockwise rather than clockwise. Fortunately, the pencil roving is forgiving and I can get the weight I want relatively easily. I just have to stay focused on my spinning.

The monstrosity shawl is sitting in the project room right now because it is just been too warm for me to work on it. I've reached the point that it is large enough to cover the couch. I had initially planned on working the whole thing up in the full spectrum of colors. Now, I am stopping at green. I have no idea what I am going to do with this thing. I think it is heavy enough that blocking it may not be necessary. It is in acrylic. Ironing it to kill the yarn is going to be a tedious task but not as tedious as finishing this final triangle.

Despite telling myself I wasn't going to do it, I'm back at making washcloths. They're small and work up quickly. This makes them a good anti-anxiety projects, I guess. Beloved got me the cone of dishcloth cotton (4ply worsted weight) two weeks ago. I'm already half through it. My MiL requested I make her another acrylic wash cloth. I'm going to go stash diving later to see if I can find enough of the color I have in mind so that it matches the colors of her bathroom. I'm likely going to knit this because I have a feeling I lack enough to make a good sized washcloth out of it in crochet.

I'm having a hard time finding the motivation to work on Snuggle Bug's rainbow socks right now. I've got about half of the first toe done and I just look at it with this tremendous sense of disappointment. It's like having second sock syndrome with the first sock. Perhaps part of my problem with staying motivated to work on this and my other projects is because I'm mentally fatigued from all the effort that keeping the kids working on academics and entertained. I don't know. But, I know that I need to get back to work on some of this stuff or people are not going to have their Yule gifts. So, nose to the grindstone and all that.

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