

Saturday, November 30, 2019

NaBloPoMo 30

I did it. I made it to the end of the month posting every day on here. I feel like most of what I was posting was pointless rambling. This blog, however, is not focused on promoting books or something else like that. I'm going to attempt to keep up the daily posts. Now, however, I have to start coming up with titles. Because NaBloPoMo ends today. That's going to be the hard part.

The kids are playing and talking RIGHT behind me and they keep getting louder. It is exceedingly annoying. I'm doing my light therapy right now. I feel like changing the type font on this post is making it easier to read. I think I may need to schedule an appointment with my optometrist because the default font setting is getting hard for me to read with out my reading glasses. And the laptop is sitting at a distance where my reading glasses shouldn't be necessary.

I don't know what to write on this blog. I've been depressed and anxious. That is improving somewhat with medication and this light therapy stuff. But I find myself feeling like I have nothing of value to post here for y'all to read. So, I go quiet for long stretches of time. NaBloPoMo was an attempt to fix that.

I'm trying to reestablish the habit of blogging daily across all of my blogs. Having my brain telling me that it is a worthless effort and nothing but vanity makes that pretty hard. NaNoWriMo was another attempt to reestablish the habit of working on my books on a daily basis. That's just gone off the rails. The goal for NaNoWriMo is to write a story that is 50k words long. I'm almost at 101k words long and the story has no end in sight. I'm going to keep working on this in an effort to actually finish the damn story. But I think I'm going to take a break from it for a little bit.

The holidays have just begun and I have things I want to do for them. I want to get the kids each a little chocolate advent calendar. I want to do the 12 days of yule with them. And I want to find away to do some manner of small gifts every day of yule for my husband as well. I'm just stumped as to what to do.

Typing this up in the Courier font is very nostalgic for me. It brings up memories of using a typewriter. It reminds me of the countless term papers I wrote in college. It reminds me of the first book I ever wrote. I have some fondness for this type font. Not everyone uses it. It is somewhat dated. Times New Roman has become the standard blog and web page font. I think, however, I am going to start using Courier on this blog at least because it is easier for me to read.

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