

Monday, November 04, 2019

NaBloPoMo No. 4

I'm trying to get started a trend on Twitter. I have two things. One is my bad pitches thread "Hey Agent!" The other is to get the others who are of the Filianic faith more active on Twitter and spread some sunshine around. There's a lot about Twitter that can be described as a dumpster fire. But the Filianic community, at large, is a kind and compassionate group. I'm trying to coax them back to Twitter to push back against the dumpster fire element with random acts of kindness, sharing favorite quotes from the holy texts, and be their lovely selves just as they are over on Tumblr. And Tumblr has the dumpster fire element in equal parts to the element that can be found on Twitter.

I was just hoping to see a little bit more kindness going forward on there. Maybe some cute cat pics but mostly inspiration and hope. Now I'm not so sure if this was such a good idea because I seem to be the only person doing it.

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