

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The computer has died, long live the computer.

 Three days after my last post, my old laptop computer took a dirt nap. It still turns on but runs so slow and is so glitchy that it might as well be a paperweight. I had the foresight to back up everything important to a thumb-drive. I am, however, still trying to wrap my head around this new model of laptop. I rather hate the touchpad. It is super sensitive and will just start to respond if my hand is even near it while typing. 

It is a Windows10 machine. I noped out of a bunch of features that were supposed to help me be productive through anonymous data sharing. I wasn't pleased that it randomly installed a new browser when it updated. It is, however, Windows and I've been using Windows machines since Windows3.1.1 so I'm familiar with their brand of fuckery. I'm still learning the ins and outs of Windows 10. The old machine was a Windows 8 that they tried to force update to a 10 when 10 initially came out. I noped out of that pretty hard. I heard lots of fishy things about 10 and people's data being used surreptitiously. 

Now, however, I don't have much of a choice. Either I use 10 and hope that nobody steals my data when I'm not looking or I have to learn how to use a whole new operating system. As somebody who has anxiety about technology, the prospect of learning how to use a whole new operating system kinda freaks me out. Hell, when I got my first smart phone, I was worried that if I hit the wrong button I'd blow something up. (I'm still figuring out how to use the damn smart phone and I'm now on the second version of what I had. Just about everything's the same but I still have no clue what the fuck I'm doing.)

I don't know what we're going to do with the old computer. Beloved is pretty sure there's no way to save it. When he says that it's toast, I believe him. He works with these kinds of things for a living and can spot critical system failures long before I do. Ironically, the same time that the old laptop died, the bluetooth mouse that I was using because the old laptop's touchpad wasn't working (there was an update and then the touchpad became nonfunctional) died. I was going to plug in the wired mouse that I have except there's one small problem. All of the USB ports are on the left side of the computer. I am not left handed nor am I ambidextrous. This problem, however, is really an annoyance in the grand scheme of things.

As I was in the process of logging back into websites and such, I scared the hell out of myself. One of the sites that I have been publishing books through, when I logged in, seemed to have all of my books missing. I freaked out, cried a little bit, and then, after Beloved calmed me down, got into contact with tech support. That was when it became clear that I had been using a different id to use the site for publishing than the one I used for purchasing via that site in the past. The kindly tech support person helped me get back into the correct account and all my books were still there. I'd have sent them a reply email saying thank you for your help but I know that it would be taking time away from someone else's open help ticket.

So, that's what's been going on over here for the last few days. Mental health update will be in the next post. That's been a trip.

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