

Friday, May 07, 2021

Med change: Day 4

 I think we're going to switch when I take this pill to the evening. I wake up groggy and somewhat functional. Then the pills kick in and it's nap time along with a heap of brain fog. My anxiety has been quelled to a significant degree. My mood is meh but that's an improvement over where it was. I think once this stuff hits full effect in about a week and a half, I'll be doing better than I am right now.

My guts have been in utter rebellion for the last week. I don't know if this is because of the side effects of the medication, stress, or the vaccine. It has been really uncomfortable. On top of this, it happens to be that magical time of the month where my uterus decides to try to perform origami on itself. I haven't had the side effect of feeling like I need to eat everything in the house, like I did the last time the dosage went up. My blood sugar is still within reasonable levels. On the nights that I actually get a full night of sleep, it actually looks pretty good.

Sleep and I are not having a good time. It is hard to fall asleep and when I do get to sleep, it is still a bit of a mixed bag as to how well I sleep. From what I can recall, I'm not having horrific nightmares. At the same time, I am not waking up rested most mornings. Given that I am getting  5+ hours of sleep a night, I don't know what's going on. Again, switching this med to bed time again may solve this problem as well. I've increased the amount of melatonin that I am taking at bed time and it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference. My doctor said that I can go as high as 40 mg with out there being negative issues. So, I might try that tonight to see if I actually wake up feeling rested. Who knows, maybe this will work.

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