

Friday, March 19, 2021

Took all day but I'm making progress.

I am taking a brief break to type this up as the kids' dinner is finishing up cooling. April is Camp NaNoWriMo. I am torn. I want to participate but, at the same time, I am concerned that life's going to go sideways again and I won't be able to. You know, like last year? I am struggling to get back into my disciplined schedule of the last two months. This depressive episode and the stress of the last few weeks have thrown me completely off my feed. I just feel like things are going to keep getting harder. It's probably my depression talking. But, that's where my head is at right now.

I slept a lot today. I don't know why I was so exhausted but I just about slept all morning after the kids got on the bus and Beloved headed off to work. After I got up and had lunch, I started trying to catch up on my to-do list from the last few days. I am tired but I have a lot left to do. I've given up on having this place clean by Ostara. The kids' room looks like a train wreck and there's no way that can be solved in 48 hours short of lighting it on fire and scooping out the ashes. (No, I'm not contemplating burninating their stuff but I am exasperated.) The living room is marginally better, but it still needs a fair amount of work.

I have to figure out how to put together the damn vacuum cleaner. Then I have to convince the kids that it isn't a terrifying menace. Somehow, I have a feeling that's not happening this weekend either. And we won't talk about the cobwebs. Let's just say that I'm not completely cured of my arachnophobia but I've gotten to where I don't freak out over small spiders unless they're literally on me. But, there's a bunch of housework that didn't happen over the last two weeks because I didn't feel well and stuff happened. I'm not pleased but oh well.

It took me just about all day but I got to where most of the dishes are clean and the kitchen resembles being orderly. The kids are bickering. I'm pretty sure they're only going to eat their chips out of their entire dinner because they're picky about food. I just don't have the spoons to fight them over it. I don't know what I'm going to do if I'm still down like this in a few weeks when Spring break happens. Ugh.

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