

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Feminist =/= Feminazi

This has been percolating in my head for years. Surrounded by people who threw the term around casually, I was reluctant to say something against it because I'd be shouted down, at best. I then spent years attempting to ignore the term. But, honestly, I can't. I can't stay quiet because there are actual Nazis running around and there is actual fascism going on.

You say that extreme feminists are "feminazis" and I want to throat punch you. I'm being perfectly honest. It evokes a damn near violent rage out of me. Not because I'm one of those extreme feminists. But because feminists are not stealing men's property and destroying their homes ala Kristallnacht. Because feminists are not marching men into gas chambers and slaughtering them wholesale. Because feminists are not performing horrible experiments (including vivisection) on little boys or young men. Because feminists are not systematically rounding up men and branding them like cattle before shipping them off to gods only know where to starve and beat them to death.

You use the term "feminazi" and that tells me that you support women shutting up and tolerating rape because you think the body has ways to  'shut that down'. You use the term "feminazi" and that tells me that you support the patriarchal agenda to control women's bodies and forced birth practices, damn the consequences to the mother. You use the term "feminazi" and that tells me that you give a sly wink and nod of approval to the systemic violence against women who stand up for themselves. You use the term "feminazi" and that tells me that you think that rape victims have to prove a crime has been committed against them before the police will even begin to do their job or, gods help me, you think that the victim somehow deserved it because of stupid reasons like what they were wearing or where they happened to be.

Are there extreme feminists out there? Yeah, I met a few. But the term "feminazi" gets thrown at any feminist who stands up for themselves or some one else. Call me a "scold" or a "harpy". Call me a "bitch" or a "cunt". Go ahead. I could care less about those insults because they've been thrown at me for a long time with out the implication that I am ANYTHING like the Nazis. Rush Limbaugh invented the term "feminazi" for the explicit purpose to equate feminists and outspoken women he didn't like with the abomination that are the Nazis.

And before any Nazi apologist comes along and say that there were nice Nazis, there is no such thing as a nice Nazi. If you sit at a table with nine Nazis and you are not actively arguing with them over things like human rights, there's ten Nazis at that table. By associating and giving implied approval to their actions, you are one of them. The only way there can be only nine Nazis at the table is because the tenth person is forced to be there under duress.

Take your "feminazi" term and march right off into Hel. I've been called that many times. By some people who were once close to me. No big surprise, they happened to be people who admired Adolph Hitler and said that he was trying to do a good thing by uniting Europe, he just did it the wrong way. Like the mass slaughter of innocent people was just a mistake, whoopsie boom.

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