

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Still not over the bronchitis.

 The z-pack did a lot of good. I'm no longer coughing up stuff that's ugly colored. But I still have a fair amount of chest congestion and my peak flow meter has me firmly in the yellow zone. I've developed a sinus infection on top of this. But, my fever is manageable. I spent most of last week with a moderate to high fever and I wasn't at the point of hearing colors but it was pretty close. That came down a lot over the weekend and last few days. Now I'm at a low to moderate fever. According to theory the antibiotics stay in my system for ten days. So, according to theory, it should resolve my sinus infection and the last lingering bit of this bronchitis by the end of the week.

Cuddle Bear caught this a few days after I did. I tested negative for Covid-19. Now the school wants him to have a test done before he can return to school. It took some digging, but Beloved found a mostly affordable rapid Covid-19 test yesterday after work at one of the local pharmacies. It was disappointing to realize that the closest pharmacy to us was engaging in price gouging on the tests because this thing was half the cost of what we paid for the last test. Same brand and everything. They're nice people but that was a dick move on their part. I have a feeling that a lot of places are selling these things at cost, because they have a sense of 'this is good for the community'.  The mark up at the other place just disappoints me because they "pride" themselves on being our community pharmacy and being there for everybody. 

It's just more evidence as to why we've taken our business elsewhere. We visit them when we have no other recourse. Their hours are such that Beloved can't stop there after work to pick up prescriptions. They apparently mark things up for profit. And their selection is limited for what kind of things you can get. Beloved found me diabetic cough syrup at the other pharmacy, which we didn't even know existed based on what this place had to offer. (Diabetic cough syrup is seriously disgusting. The only way I can manage to take it and not gag is to throw it back like a shot of high test whiskey.)

I'm going to be really annoyed if this stupid cold turns out to be some variant of the Covid-19 virus. There's been no loss of smell or taste. But, the doomsayer in me is going 'this is it, the plague has reached your house.'  The sooner we get Cuddle Bug's test done, the better. It'll shut up my anxiety. It'll make it possible for him to go back to school (which he's been asking about for the last week since he got sick). I just wish I didn't have an anxiety disorder that is constantly prophesying doom.

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