

Monday, August 30, 2021

Monday Menu

 We're in the home stretch of summer break. Breakfasts have been pretty regularly things like mini-muffins, fruit, and donuts. Lunches have been their favorite sandwiches and chips. As such the menu just features dinner items this week. My breakfasts remain the boring low carb yogurt with low carb granola. Lunch is either a salad or a peanut butter wrap on a diet flat bread with a bit of fruit to round out my carb load. 

At some point, I'll get the schedule tweaked so that I actually can get back into batch making food that is more diabetic friendly. It's been hard to do that with everything that goes on over the weekend. Fridays don't seem to work for that, which has me leaning towards doing it Monday mornings after I send the kids off to school. I can't believe that school is a little over a week away. We're pretty much all looking forward to it.

Here's the menu for this week.

Day Menu Item
Sun hot dogs &
Mon Hamburgers
Tues chicken
Wed meatloaf
Thurs meatball
Fri pork chops
w/ salad
Sat take out

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