

Friday, October 02, 2020

Friday Fiction: LotR scene rewrite (fanfiction)

 The shield was heavy on her arm as she marched forward. The sword felt equally heavy despite the fact it was lighter just because she had been hewing into limbs and bodies for what felt like forever. Eowyn saw a small body, perhaps almost the size of a child darting about her on the battlefield. She knew the hobbit was doing his best, despite he wasn't trained to fight. The horse had died some time back, she managed to leap clear and then all was chaos.

A great crashing came from before her. She raised her gaze and saw the Witch King wading into the fray. As she watched, he crushed a kinsman's skull beneath his mace. It was an enormous, terrifying thing. For a moment, Eowyn felt fear. Then she heard the ghost of her mother whispering in her ear, "It's now or never, we've come to far to die." 

Another man died as she made her way forward. The Witch King had cleared a space about himself with his deadly mace. As she stepped into it, he laughed. "No man can kill me," he spat at her. He swung his mace. Eowyn brought up her shield. The mace hit it with a glancing blow, splintering it and knocking her back several paces. She cast it aside. The helm was ill fitting and obscured her view of the enormous Witch King before her.

She pulled it off her head as the hobbit stared in horror. "I am no man," Eowyn said before charging forward. She moved inside the range of the mace and thrust her sword into the one place where there was no armor, the face area of the Witch King's helm. 


I'm not pleased with how it came out, but whatever. It was one of my favorite parts of the story.

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