

Friday, April 19, 2019

Wait, wut?

I must be going places because someone ripped off a copy of an earlier version of Rose Petals that I put up in PDF format and has it posted on a book piracy site. I am annoyed with this development. At first I was amused, but now I am irritated. I've been telling my readers that they don't want to go with the pirated copy because it may be missing things and have malware attached to it. Because some piracy sites do shady shit.

It's been a hell of a week. The kids have been on spring break and bouncing around like chipmunks on crack. When ever the weather was decent enough for them to be outside, they were and they ran around a lot. I took them to the park twice. It's been busy. I haven't had much time for my stuff like blogging. Camp NaNoWriMo is stalled because I haven't had time to write. I'm at 25k on a project that I have come to detest but I am going to continue to work on until it is finished this way I have the satisfaction of burning the damn thing when it is completed. (Ok, maybe I won't burn it. But I'm not happy with it right now which is making working on it harder.)

The local-ish pagan group that I associate with are holding an Ostara celebration. I wish I could go but it is Sunday night and I'd have to be driving after dark to get home so that Beloved could have the car to get to work Monday. Never mind the fact that the kids are still on break from school Monday and will probably be up at the crack of dawn despite the blackout curtains on their window.

I wanted to do something special for Ostara but things keep falling through. I wanted to do a little ritual with the kids for the full moon tonight and that didn't happen because tonight was just a wee bit chaotic. I feel like things are just stacked against me on trying to educate my kids in the pagan ways. We've got people at school talking about Jesus and such. I can't make out if it is kids or teachers. It's just frustrating because I don't want them to be ignorant about the over culture but I want them to have a broader base to grow from in a spiritual sense.

I don't know what the hell I'm doing and I haven't much local support for it because I live two hours away from my pagan friends with families. The nearest Unitarian Universalist Church is twenty minutes away in a town that I am not familiar with or an hour away in the heart of the city. Either way puts me into a bit of anxiety because I'm getting worse about going to unfamiliar places alone. And even though they're UU churches, that doesn't mean they're necessarily going to be pagan friendly. Especially the weird brand of paganism that I've got going on.

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