

Thursday, April 28, 2022

A bit calmer, but still angry.

 Dear Reader,

In the conclusion of my last post I gave a directive to the people who didn't care if they died of Covid. Said directive was to eat a bullet before you kill somebody else.

I am sure that you found it offensive and out of character of my usual posts. I have been listening for the last two and a half years to my neighbors act like this pandemic is a conspiracy to take away their freedoms. I'm sick of it. I'm furious. And if I weren't disabled, I'd be doing something about it.

When Black Lives Matter became a big part of social discourse, I had people telling me that these protests and riots were because people were bored due to the Covid social distancing. I had people telling me that this was all because things weren't 'normal' enough. When MeToo became a big part of the social discourse, same people were saying similar shit.

I'm sorry, but when things go to shit all of the problems that you swept under the rug are going to pop up. Expect more of it.

There's no going back to 'normal' only forward into the future.

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