

Monday, December 13, 2021

CW: Eating disorder vs diabetes

 As some of you may know, I am a recovered anorexic. It took about five years of Beloved forcing me to finish meals when we went out before I could eat a meal and not be filled with guilt that I was taking food from someone else who needed it more. See, when I was a kid, when I got hungry and tried to get a snack that was the line thrown at me "You're taking food out of your brothers' mouths." My parents strictly limited how much food I was allowed to have. I learned to take the bare minimum that was enough to make the hunger pains stop. Gradually, that lessened until I just accepted that a certain level of discomfort when it came to food was 'normal' as my parents heartily encouraged my brothers to eat more and gave me scorn when I tried to do the same.

When I got to school, I got harassed for eating a full meal because I was so skinny. Rumors flew around that I was bulimic and I started restricting what I ate in public. That was about when I developed a revulsion for watching and listening to other people eat. The confluence of my upbringing and the stressors of high school ended up with my weight fluctuating between 110 and 95 lbs when I was a senior and stood 5ft 8 in. My doctor never fully caught on to what was going on with me. He was a nice guy but assumed that my build was a result of the fact that I was born a micro-preemie. The secret about how food was managed in the household wasn't breathed for fear of dire punishment.

Backstory presented, I am finding myself struggling to do the things I need to in order to manage my diabetes. Fasting blood sugar numbers higher than 130 has me eating less than 30 carbs prior to taking my blood sugar lowering medication for fear that my blood sugar is going to run up too high once those carbs hit my system. I have spent the last three years (give or take) strictly limiting my food intake to between 30 to 35 carbs per meal. I struggle with the urge to skip snacks. I've lost a fair amount of weight. People praise me for it and I get nervous. I get afraid that I'm losing weight too fast. 

At the same time, I can't help the feeling that the more I restrict, the greater control I have over the diabetes. I struggle with the temptation to cut my meal carb load down lower. Especially when my fasting blood sugars a running over 160. I find myself sorting foods into forbidden and not forbidden categories. I get scared that I'm going to cook the wrong thing for myself or that I'm going to accidentally eat a forbidden food. I used to love cooking. Now I dread it. Between all the math I have to juggle to figure out to make the meal (and I'm bad at math) and the psychological torture of eating tiny meals compared to the rest of the family it's awful. 

I just don't want to cook anymore. I can't do that, because the boys don't know (and are not willing yet to learn) how to cook. I get emotionally torqued up over food and try to stick to things that I know are low carb as best I can. I keep finding myself tempted to switch over to the keto diet (which is basically what I was doing in high school) to limit my carbs even more. My doctor has explicitly banned the keto diet because it can be lethal for diabetics. So, I'm stuck gradually reducing what I am eating as I watch my blood sugars bounce around. 

And, as I struggle with the urge to restrict my food, I am sneak eating snacks that fall under the keto category. I am hiding when I eat. I am falling into the habit of eating my dinner before the kids come to the table to eat so I don't have to deal with the revulsion of my personal eating on top of the revulsion of listening and watching them eat. It's not good and it is slowly getting worse. But because I am a bit overweight, people are like 'oh, good job losing weight' and 'you can't possibly be an anorexic.'

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