

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

New Haircut and blabberings

I got my hair done last weekend. It's a cross between mad scientist and 'I'd like to talk to the manager.' looks and I think I kinda like it. It's been hot and humid over the last several days, which does not lend it self well to spinning. I'm frustrated with my health situation because the heat is making my blood sugar do stupid things. I did not anticipate this. In trying to compensate for things like random blood sugar drops for no apparent reason, I have had my blood sugar running a bit high today. As a result, I feel like I'm starving all day. I've been eating low carb snacks like cheese and chicken. It's still a miserable feeling.

I'm exasperated with how the heat makes my face go red. I'm exasperated with how if I get even slightly dehydrated, due to one of my psych meds, my face goes red. And I am exasperated with the fact that it seems like I can drink nothing but water right now with out this being aggrivated. I'd like to have something with flavor in it but that has carbs.

I could be drinking diet soda but I've been working on cutting back if not eliminating soda from my diet. Mainly because my dentist says I have weak teeth. I know that the diet soda doesn't have the sugar in it but the carbonic acid that makes the soda bubbly isn't helping my teeth either. So, I can drink water, tea, or coffee. It's been a frustrating day. I've been craving a glass of apple juice for the last two days and we have none in the apartment (nor will I be getting any because of all the carbs in a single serving equals a full meal's worth of carbs, it sucks).

So far this year, I have donated around 25 preemie hats. I have also donated 6 scarves. You can guess which work up faster. I'm currently working on a scarf that's done up with a ball of white acrylic and a ball of 'my favorite stripe' acrylic yarn from Red Heart. The pattern is super simple. Holding both yarns together, cast on 16. Knit until 55 inches long (approximately). Drop every third stitch. Cast off knit-wise. I call it PennyCandy because it looks a lot like the old time striped candy you can pick up at the pharmacy up the road (that would have cost a penny in the old days). I'll post a picture of the work in progress tomorrow. So far, I have 12 inches knit, which isn't too bad for starting it yesterday.

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