

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Things are getting interesting.

The kids are doing summer school again this year. I have had them telling me more facts about recycling and local wildlife I than I ever wanted to know. Billy's birthday was today and he got two presents he had been really hoping for. I'm going to probably have a struggle to get him not to take them with him to school tomorrow. The argument that rain will not be good for the toys may help. Who knows. I can't believe that Snuggle Bug is nine now. Where did the time go?

His birthday dinner was pizza because it is is his favorite. I have this thing I do that I make the person whose birthday it is their favorite thing for dinner and try to get them their favorite cake. Didn't work so well for hubby's birthday because the cake recipe just kept coming out wrong. Today, I picked something up at the store just because I was fed up with cooking. But, operation birthday was a big success. Operation birthday number two next month will be equally as much of a success, I think.

I have hit the point in my novel writing for this month that I am a the required word count to validate between two projects. At the same time, I am at a mid point on the larger project and finished on the smaller one. I feel like I have no idea what I'm talking about as I am writing. This seems to be the time when I do my best work. It is indescribably creepy. But, I have found my way through the block that ate up a good portion of my time.

I am starting to feel a bit better after a roller coaster ride of a month. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing and I am deeply grateful that I have access to these medications. I'm trying to remember that it is ok to be like this and that this is normal. It's kinda rough though. The diabetes thing has a steep learning curve. And it seems that getting stuff like a cold or being stressed out makes your blood sugar go wonky. My blood sugar is beginning to get closer to the normal range on a regular basis.

So, progress is happening. And weirdness. In January, I was wearing a size 9 shoe. I am now down to a size 7 shoe. This is confusing me. The scale hasn't moved a whole lot but I started out in January wearing size 22 women's and I'm now down to a size 16, which is starting to get a little big on me. I have been doing a lot of walking and trying to strictly keep within the diet guidelines I've been given. I'm hungry most of the time, but I'm getting to where I can ignore some of it again. As long as I eat according to schedule, I don't have too many problems. If my schedule gets knocked out of wack, however, the whole day gets thrown off and my mood and everything gets weird.

Those of you who have known me for a long time would know that me and schedules and organization wasn't really a thing when I was younger. I didn't resist schedules, I just didn't really use them. Now I am super organized with a bullet journal for my writing, a mental health/health log, a day planner, and an office in a bag (for lack of a better description). I'd be using digital versions of tracking everything but I don't trust Windows not to eat my information. I'm not good with spreadsheets. Still, me from ten years ago wouldn't recognize me today.

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