

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Thoughts on NaBloPoMo & NaNoWriMo 2018

I think that I spent more time trying to solve problems than I did writing. I think that I also spent more time focused on trying to make time to write than I did writing this year. Having a break from school in the middle of the month didn't help me this year but starting early in October did. I am pleased with the amount of work I have gotten done on the book writing side of things. I'm not as pleased with the blogging situation.

I have gotten a bit better about blogging more regularly but it is still a challenge. Note the flurry of posts in an attempt to make post count on several days. I think solving that is going to be hard because my schedule over the next month is pretty busy. I have holiday crafting to finish up. I have holiday baking to do. I also have some written projects to finish up over the month. My goal is to start 2019 with all of my ongoing projects as of this moment finished.

That means finishing up book seven of the Umbrel Chronicles. That means finishing up the ritual book I am at the beginning of writing. And there is the business of getting books three and four up on KDP after I finish making sense of the way their merger with CreateSpace worked out. I think I have everything done correctly. I'm just not sure. I am considering finding ways to semi-automate the blog writing process. I have a lot of work on my other blogs that I want to back up. That is a project for next year (and probably a new couple of thumbdrives).

I would have hit 30 posts of stupid shit yesterday but I went out to LARP in Buffalo with some good friends of mine. It's a fun game where I get to dress up and pretend to be a monster and do horrible things to horrible people. We all regularly do things like break the fourth wall and drop awful puns. Staying in character is challenging.  It's a fun group.

My character is named Angela. She is a poet from the Victorian period. I have almost everything I need to dress up in Victorian period dress. I am probably going to acquire a few props to make the character a bit more rounded out costume wise. With my short hair, I keep my head covered. She is dressed in full mourning dress because vampires are goth as fuck. She has acquired a 'cane' which is going to be a regular prop as well as a reason why I have my cane with me in character. The character's cane right now is a length of rebar. She's going to be negotiating with another character the price of having a metal cane of similar weight and such made.

I'll try to find away to get a picture of myself in full costume before I head out next session (which is at the end of this month). Beloved gets a chuckle out of my ribbon garters to hold up my knee socks. Since I lost weight, the knee socks don't stay up quite right. So, I asked myself what did they do before elastic socks. Garters was the first thing that came to mind. I'm going to actually knit myself a pair based off of the Victorian era pattern in Goodey's book that's been uploaded.  I've started making Victorian era crochet patterns. I am rather pleased with how the shawls have worked out.

When I go to spinning guild, I'll be bringing the brown 'bosom friend' that I made with yarn from my mother-in-law's spinning. It came out fantastically and is a period accurate work, even though the pattern was of my own design. It is a nice and cozy wool shawl that wraps around and ties at the back, leaving my arms free to do things aside from hold the shawl closed and I don't need pins. I'm also going to bring the two shoeboxes worth of washcloths that I have made in the hopes that someone will buy some of them.

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