

Monday, December 31, 2018

Shoveling snow in a blizzard.

The title of this post encapsulated how I felt today. I know I got a lot of stuff done. Put together the budget for next month, got my planner ready for next year (mostly), and took care of a heap of other things. At the same time, the kitchen sink is full of dishes and I still have more stuff to do before I really get going in January.

Yesterday was a rough day for Snuggle Bug and today hasn't been much better because the little guy got over the flu just in time to get an ear infection. Thank goodness for the urgent care people being open yesterday. They were able to see him and we've got him on some antibiotics to take care of it. His ear is bothering him a bit more this evening. I'd take him back over to urgent care but they're not open right now. Since he's on antibiotics, I don't think there's much more they can do for him right now anyways. If he's not feeling better tomorrow, I will probably be taking him to see the family doctor on Wednesday just to make sure everything is ok.

Cuddle Bear has a busy Wednesday ahead of him. I'm picking him up early from school to go see Dr. C., his orthodontist. Add to this the fact that Wednesday is the first day of school after a long break, I suspect that there is going to be a lot happening there. If I can swing it, I'm going to do my best to get him back to school in time to finish out the school day. I'm not sure, though, because his school day ends an hour earlier than it did before because he's in middle school now. That makes scheduling dentist and other appointments tricky.

I am pleased to say that Beloved and both kids are over the flu. I, however, have a cold now and sound like a frog. It is exceedingly frustrating because I was going to try to do stuff but I spent a good chunk of my day Saturday in bed feeling exhausted, yesterday was almost as bad, and today I have a hellish sore throat. It was trying this morning to keep the kids from being super loud. You may have seen the commercial of the mother with a kitchen full of kids who could barely whisper and trying to get the kids ready for school.

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