

Monday, December 31, 2018

Random fact about Deb: Feelings on House Plants

I love house plants. I have had them every place I have lived. Or at least attempted to. There was a while there that I couldn't keep the things alive. Then my grandmother gifted me with an unkillable plant. It's called white inch plant. That thing has not only survived extended drought periods (aka I forgot to water it for a while) but it has been slowly conquering the world. I've given cuttings of it away to pretty much everybody who will take one.

I currently have a large hanging basket with a thriving one in it. I also have one in a pot on a book shelf, one in a jar of water on a filing cabinet, and another in a pot on a window ledge in the bathroom. White inch plant is probably one of my favorite indoor house plants. My other favorite is spider plants. I have one that's been with me for twenty years now. I'm honestly not sure how it has lasted so long but it has.

My other indoor houseplant love is African violets. These are fussy little buggers and I haven't mastered the art of keeping them alive AND blooming. I keep trying, though, because they look so pretty when they're in full bloom. And it amuses me to dust my plants. My favorite African violets are the pink ones with the purple edges.

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