

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Holiday cheer?

So, I have to start my story off with a bit of a preface. I had the flu recently. I just got over it in time to be ready for Yule. Well, Yule came along and the guys got a gift I did not intend to give - the flu. Christmas eve, we were lucky and the family doctor was able to see my youngest (who was living up to his nickname on here, Snuggle Bug). We thought he was the only one sick with it and started making plans to do family gathering in such a manner that he could rest and his brother could go spend time with the extended family. Then Christmas day happened. Beloved and Cuddle Bear both came down with the flu.

It was Christmas day, we knew that the family doctor wasn't going to be in office. We were pretty sure that after hours care over at the next town over wasn't going to be in office either. So, the guys toughed it out until today. Now, I called the family doctor explained the situation and he made his decision whilst on the phone with me to put them on the same stuff as Snuggle Bug. It makes sense, they've all got the flu.

Christmas eve, I went into Walmart to pick up Snuggle Bug's medicine before the pharmacy closed and the place was a zoo. I expected that and planned around things being super busy. I even managed to have enough mental fortitude to handle the crowds despite my social phobia. I expected going into Walmart on Christmas eve, there's going to be a crowd of last minute shoppers and people buying goods for holiday dinner.

It was going in to Walmart today to pick up the medicine and a few things for dinner that caught me off guard. First off, about half of the Christmas stuff was already on clearance and off the shelves. I was surprised there wasn't just a heap of stuff in a big wire bin marked down to a dollar. What was left on the shelves, I watched people getting into actual shoving matches over who got the last stupid gigantic mug with bad hot cocoa mix. I saw someone mindlessly push another person aside to get to a large bin full of chocolates and half dive into the bin to start digging around for something.

These were not children doing this. This was grown adults. I was astounded. I'm not sure what was more mind boggling. The people behaving like this or the fact that half of the stuff for Valentine's day was up already. They were still playing canned Christmas music. It made the scene more surreal. If it was all in a minor chord, I would have thought I was an extra in some badly made horror movie. Holiday cheer?

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