

Monday, December 10, 2018

Deb's December KAL scarf project.

So, I'm feeling awful enough that I cancelled the kid's dentist appointment so I wasn't patient zero for an influenza outbreak in Pittsford. I like those people at that office too much to subject them to this.

(Pittsford Pediatric Dentistry are awesome and work really well with kids who have all kinds of things going on in their lives. They even have therapy dogs come in on a bi-weekly basis to help the kiddos out. I admit, however, I feel old looking at the games they have for the kids to play and saying 'hey, I played that when I was your age.' but the controllers for Pacman are styled like the x-box controllers so I can't really show the boys how to play it. I'm sure they'll figure it out, though.)

After my nap, I got some lunch and did some knitting. I took the smallest non zero digit of my age and used that for the basis of a rib pattern. Then I rolled a die to see how many rows I was going to work. Turned out to be a 4x4 rib for 6 rows. To finish out the block of ten rows for today, I am doing broken stockinette stitch for four rows.

I think I'm near the halfway point of the ball of yarn. That means I should be getting close to half done with this scarf. It is coming out a bit shorter than I anticipated. So I am likely going to start using scrap yarn when I finish up this ball. I want it long enough to wrap comfortably around my neck and wide enough to cover my face little bit too. This has been a struggle for me in making scarves. They either come out wide enough and too short or long enough but not wide enough. This is what I get for not making gauge swatches.

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