

Monday, January 14, 2019

I write books. It's a thing I do.

I announced it on Facebook and Twitter. The first trilogy of the Umbrel Chronicles is out on the market now in three formats. There's more details about where you can get them on my book writing blog. I write in a variety of genres. That blog is focused on my heart's delight, fantasy. I write dark fantasy as a way to process the traumas I've experienced in life. You'll find a lot of myself in the various characters and themes that the books explore.

I think it's true for any author. Whatever you write, it comes from somewhere inside you. The exception is if you're writing a research paper or a book that's equivalent to that. But, even then, you will still find your way into your work. You have your own unique voice and it shows up in pretty much every genre you write. I'm working on rediscovering my voice after having about two years of back to back depressive episodes (with brief relief and equally brief hypomanic episodes) making it really hard to write.

While I haven't been really coming up with a lot of new material or blogging very much, I have been editing old material. I have been combing through my notebooks for work to put together for future books. So, I'm going to be rolling out a few new books over the next few months. They're ones that got written before the waves of depression and edited over the last few years. Book four of the series will be out in the spring. Book five will be out in autumn.

My goal is to finish book seven by this summer and have it ready to go next spring. And to write book eight during NaNoWriMo. I also have another book that I have to completely rework and I think it may split into three books. It's in a different genre. But it is good to be getting back to writing again and feeling more like myself.

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