

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Behold the power of reassurance.

So, I did as Beloved suggested and called the care coordinator at my doctor's office. We discussed my numbers and eating habits. Apparently 6.5 is a good number. Considering that I started at 12.5 (or something like that), it is a very good number. She said that a number below 7 is good.

I feel calmer about this stuff. She's going to meet with me at my doctor's appointment and we're going to discuss things a little more. I am fumbling in the dark with this stuff. I have done a lot of reading but it is all still really confusing.

It makes theoretical physics and linear algebra look easy. And I didn't make it through the physics program and linear algebra is just hellish. I'm no dummy, but I am not a registered dietician. I'm coming to understand that fad diets are bad. I'm realizing that carbs and I have a very complicated relationship now.

I'd go vegetarian with my diet but even that has problems to it. Because, I've learned that most vegetarian diets rely heavily on carbs for energy. What is problematic for me? Carbs. So, I'm going to talk to the care coordinator, who knows a lot more about this stuff, bring along my food journal, and try to figure out what foods are good for me.

I am getting bored eating eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. It probably isn't helping my cholesterol either. But, maybe she has some suggestions for me on menus or some books she can recommend. At least I know now that 6.5 is not a bad number. I was just misunderstanding what I was looking at when I was looking at my test results.

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