

Friday, January 18, 2019

3 steps to making yourself miserable.

Step one: have a migraine that lasts two days.

Step two: feel guilty for having said migraine.

Step three: try to do ALL THE THINGS because of said guilt.

To say the least, I am working hard on not doing step three. The pain from the migraine is somewhat improved between the coffee, the aleve, and the tylenol but my vision is still a little funny. Which is annoying because I had stuff to do today that I had to reschedule. I am somewhere between craving sweets, which is a thing that happens when I have a migraine, and utterly disgusted by the thought of anything like solid food.

And I'm tired, because migraines exhaust me. With winter storm Harper marching steadily towards us, I know that my migraine was triggered by the weather and my joints are beginning to join the chorus of suck. Stupid arthritis. I feel like I am trapped in an old woman's body with how the arthritis gets to me and the way I get cold in a draft. I've always been like this. It's really exasperating.

But, I'm doing my best to practice self care, because that is one of my goals for this year. I sort of gave myself a partial pedicure on Monday after I took a warm bath. I'm not good at those things, that's probably the second or third I've actually done. But my socks didn't try to shred themselves when I put them on. So I guess I did something right. My feet were really dry and stuff.

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