

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Arguing with my subconscious sucks.

As I posted on Twitter:
land of birds, reminder: scumbag brain is lying to you when it says that your value is based on what you produce, how much you make, or the sum total of your possessions. as much a reminder for myself as for you.
I find myself arguing with my subconscious again. Because I have a lot of toxic baggage surrounding this time of year. That post was an external counter argument to what scumbag brain is harping on.

Additionally, if people base their relationship around what is convenient only for them and fail to take your needs or situation into consideration, there isn't really a relationship there. Those require people to have mutual give and take, what you've got in that situation is somebody using you for something.

When contact is one way only, they don't really want to have contact with you. They just want the idea of it.

When you're always made out to be the 'bad guy' for situations you had literally no involvement in, you need to walk away from those people.

If you are in a situation where help comes at a price from people who claim that they support you unconditionally, that support isn't unconditional and you should regard them with suspicion because they lied to your face. Their deeds show who they really are.

I could keep going, but this is what's rattling around in my head right now. I can't stop thinking about the past. Yay PTSD and anniversary dates.

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