

Sunday, January 06, 2019

How many planners are too many?

It's January and I am trying to get my life organized. Again.

Being sick and depressed last year completely threw me off my game. I didn't get a lot of the stuff I wanted to do done. My goal for this year is to actually accomplish last year's goals and get a few others done too.

As a result, I have my Control Journal, ala FLYLady. In the Control Journal is the year's calendar in monthly format with appointments and major events written down in it. I check that every month and update it on a weekly basis. I have my wall calendar that has the month's events written down on it and along the bottom monthly portion I have highlighted the days the kids have off from school for the rest of the year and circled the half days. I carried that system of highlighting the day and circling the day to the Control Journal.

I also have a weekly planner where I write down all of my appointments and the kids' appointments and such. I reconcile that against the monthly calendar every Thursday when I set up my daily planner for the up coming week. And then in my daily planner, I spend fifteen minutes every evening updating the next day (or two days if necessary) with tasks that need to be done and calls that need to be made. My daily planner and my weekly planner have the notation system that was developed by the guy who came up with the Bullet Journal system.

All of this, I am going to coordinate with the calendar in my phone to have reminders for appointments and stuff.

Then, on top of all of that, I have a bullet journal for the tarot reading business that I'm attempting again this year. I really didn't have a shot at making it work last year because of the depression. I am also keeping a bullet journal for my writing. In both of those, there is a section for planning too. All of this being weekly planning that is checked against my weekly planner.

I might have gone a little too far.

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