

Sunday, November 08, 2020

NaBloPoMo 7: I made it through another year.

 Yesterday was my birthday. I'm officially 42. Beloved got me a lovely bouquet of flowers that matches the color of the autumn leaves. The kids were kinda bewildered but they didn't really know it was my birthday because we didn't really do anything special for it. I tried to spend some time writing but I didn't get that far just because I was tired. I did add more to my NaNoWriMo playlist for this year. It's disorganized but so is pretty much everything about my writing right now.

I spent about an hour this morning working on my planner. I still have more to do. Beloved was so kind as to design new planner pages for my notebook. It is like what I was originally using. Front side for bullet points and back side of the page for notes. He had the gal who runs Copy Town, the print shop a few towns over where he works, take a full ream of paper and print and cut to size pages for my day planner. It takes a big amount of the stress out of my planning for the week or the month. I'm not drawing tons of little boxes on pages. It helps a lot.

Apparently yesterday was national fountain pen day. I did not do any writing with any of my fountain pens. Now that my planner is done up in heavier paper stock, I might start using my beautiful steel fountain pen that Beloved gave me for yule last year.

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