

Thursday, November 05, 2020

NaBloPoMo 5: Huzzah, the kids are at school!

 They're finally over this stupid cold. They tested negative for Covid-19 last week and I received the letter from the doctor giving them the ok to go back to school yesterday. Now, maybe, I can get some stuff done with out playing referee or constantly reminding them to be focusing on their school work instead of cat pictures. A part of me says I should lie down and take a nap, but that's because I've been up since 4 am. 

I forgot, somehow, to take my ton of bedtime medications. I was just feeling rotten last night. I think in my brain fog, I was sure I did take them. I woke up early this morning partly because of my lack of medications and partly because I coughed myself awake. I was practically choking on congestion at first, it was pretty awful. Fortunately, this sinus infection/head cold hasn't dropped into my chest like I was thinking was happening at first. This morning I realized that the ache in my ribs was right where I fell and landed on a shovel a few years back and fractured a rib. It was my arthritis complaining about the weather, not the beginnings of something nefarious.

Speaking of weather, the weather we've been having has been strange. It's been swinging between unseasonably mild and the seasonably cold and wet weather. The mild stretches, I am less achey but I am suspicious that we're going to get nailed with a blizzard or something when this breaks. I haven't been out walking or doing much outside. I still have that mess on the back deck to clean up from a few months ago. Being sick just has been taking the life right out of me for the last week. Meanwhile, the kids have bounced back and Beloved just has the sniffles. I don't know if that means their immune systems are better than mine or if I am just more susceptible to getting sick. I've kind always been that way. And the weather swinging back and forth is not helping. At least I haven't had a migraine in a little while. Of course, I probably just jinxed myself on that one.

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