

Monday, November 11, 2019

NaBloPoMo 10

It was a long weekend. The kids have today off because it is Veteran's Day. Saturday was busy with errands and visiting family. I didn't get much writing done on my novel. I got even less knitting on my current charity scarf. And zero spinning done. At this rate, I don't think I'm going to have met my goal of spinning a mile of thread/yarn by the end of the year. Things keep coming up.

I did my first session of light therapy and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't feel like a zombie right now but my blood sugar isn't sky high either. I do feel weary, but I woke up several times in the night feeling thirsty. I don't know what is going on that my fasting blood sugar numbers are creeping up higher again. I am hoping that it is just the stress from having to replace the Impreza and the general anxiety issues I have causing it. I don't want to be getting sick again when I just got over a sinus infection.

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