

Friday, November 30, 2018

NaBloPoMo 27/30

Reminder for myself:
  • set up planner for December
  • set up planner for January
  • set up bullet journal for writing for 2019
  • finish bk 7 by 12/31/18
  • review proof copy of Garlands of Grace when it comes in
I've got point one half finished. I've got point four around half finished (theoretically). I'm waiting for my proof copy to arrive in the mail so I can review it. I'm still on the hunt for the best way to manage my mental health logging. I've tried the bullet journal system for two years now. It's pretty hit or miss. The bullet journal system seems to be working alright for my daily planner and my writing notebook.

I've set up the weekly planner for January. Now I just have to set up the daily planner for January. I'm expecting the last two weeks of December to be chaos. I'm finding that it is easier to log my daily record of my mental state in my daily planner and then copy that into the bullet journal for my mental health stuff. It leads me to think that my daily planner is a better place to keep my daily notes, especially since I have started writing a blurb about how the day has gone. The bullet journal setup that I have been using hasn't given me the space to write more than a sentence. I'm still ironing out my daily bullet journal set up.

I was using one with checkboxes on the back to track stuff like if I was exercising and such. I kinda want to get back to habit tracking but I feel like my daily planner isn't working well for that. 

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